Monday, February 21, 2011

enough snow for an igloo..

So we came back on Sunday,February 20, reaching the bottom of the driveway at about 5.30pm. We were barred by a 2ft snow bank.It was a good thing that we had a relaxing 3 days in Halifax with pleasant company and new culinary experiences. Consequently nobody pulled a Lear act and disowned the car, the driveway or the daughter. Instead we walked up,not trudged.And he jumped on the tractor and plowed the driveway.

Today the snow is falling quietly and persistently. "A few acres of snow" is a thing of beauty.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cheer from fellow creatures!Wisdom/OrangutanAndHound.html

Wednesday and I saw last night's deposit of snow. Wet and heavy. The dog was up at 5am and I am refusing to hate it. Richard will come to help with the driveway. I shall gather myself while sipping my tea.
There I did it. Put the link to see the Moon and Venus. The first moon of the Year of the Rabbit.  I do feel energised. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 2011

The visible crescent moon and Venus provide a lovely picture to ponder on:
APOD: 2011 February 2 - Moon and Venus over Switzerland
The Spring Festival starts from new moon (Feb.3) to full moon (Feb.17) the 2 weeks in which the weather is such that the time is better spent celebrating. At least in the northern hemisphere where it will be cold with heavy snowfall. Today we have 2 feet of snow on the 200yard driveway.Sarah carved a path to the top of the driveway and Ian plowed it.Granted the snow was light and easier to work with but I thought the end result is very pleasant to look at and to stroll along; a mandala.
Lychee for dessert and as an added bonus Orin and his mother called in for a video chat.So a Happy New Year,Hao,Hao,Hao.
I have to learn to insert a picture or a link.