Monday, February 18, 2013

Two emails on Waiting for Godot

Hi kid,
Ask your older actor friends who may have seen a stage play of the above how the 2 main actors keep the audience's interest by such subtle changes in the interchanges between them. There are clowning moments as well as verbal lol but no plot. Feels like a retired couple waiting out winter white out. Now I am going to read the reviews. I did see excerpts from Patrick Stewart but how to do 2 acts ,and keep the audience engaged, is beyond my imagination. But then I don't have a degree in the pretend arts. Love,                                    And I got a reply.

It's a great play, isn't it? It all comes down to each small very human and real interaction. The larger structure may be difficult to make sense of but the minute intentions of each character are more obvious. Very funny, you're right.       

The exchange was not perfunctory and injects a delight into the day as I watch the scenes outside:                                                                                     

Monday, February 11, 2013

More is not better.

Acceptable level of snow for both man and machine, as with his little tractor he shaped the 300+feet driveway, on February5. Still fond of the season with its bracing chores (ahem); I mean they were done cheerfully. For example he noted that February 2 was a suitable day for splitting the big blocks.
Happy enough to appreciate that the straight grain of the wood made for easy splitting. Was quite smug when it rained on February 3 because he got in some dry wood. February 9 and 10 were storm days and brought lots more of the lovely stuff.
Today, February 11, second day of the Lunar New Year, he plowed again.
And the finished access looks good.                                                  
Hard work to look idyllic (ahem, eye of the beholder). Happy Year of the Snake. I have to make some pancakes for tomorrow(his Shrove Tuesday), and since the plowman needs an orange for his pancakes we may have to pop into town. Maybe that's why he plowed.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Diamonds on the soles of my feet on Jan. 30

Schools were cancelled as the forecast indicated that the roads would turn icy with the predicted rain on the accumulated snow, in spite of  the temperature rise to 9 degrees Celsius. Sure enough, when I went out at 11am, a neighbour's car had slipped into the ditch. I noticed that the few cars were travelling very close to the centre. The sides where I can safely walk were icy. Good thing I brought my gear:         
On winter assignment in Fredericton.