Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cold Beauty

There it is in all its glory; translucent blue sky, sunlight so bright, it makes your heart ache, yet  gives little heat but twinkles on hard snow. Still there is this:
Only life thing to stand still in -31 C. And the Lilac bushes in nude hibernation.
The red tractor is on life support. It is being charged so that he can plow.
Nothing gentle about this beautiful day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stepping into the second fortnight.

Breakfast for the working actor.This photo was sent to show us that she is soldiering on. It was a very pleasant first fortnight; a little pate, a little partying, some Coronas and genteel carousing.
For me it was coffee and cinnamon roll at the Breakaway Cafe. My first shift for 2013 and enjoyed it, I did.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

Just cool by itself; a new year. My cats don't have that. Cooler still is that it is a hard bright blue sky day. So bright that the shadow, of a flying bird,on the snow, takes one by surprise.Then the lighting dims and a soft gray ensues; all done by 
clouds But it is cold. Hence the cats have more sense:
 Felix silvestris catus in formal attire    
The cats sniff at the porch door and refuse to accompany me. They scurry back, taking their noses, to their warm spots. My hand held device register -13C and with wind chill -25C. Still the light is beguiling and a new beginning is refreshing.