Sunday, March 20, 2011

Small Mercies

March 20 in Canada. Yesterday 2 persons were pulled out alive from the rubble 9 days after the earthquake and its companion tsunami. May there be more small blessings for the half a million homeless and a million without water. Such grace under fire.

Friday, March 11, 2011


March 11,2011 a 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck Sendai, Japan at 2.46pm. Pictures of the sea water eating up the land and upturning the houses were terrifying. Four trains have disappeared and a sea vessel carrying 100 people is missing. There are fires. And there is a malfunctioning nuclear plant. Dear God.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Snow blindness.

March 3 and I may have had enough of winter. No get up and go.A morass,white and bright.