Sunday, June 30, 2013

My little June

Tomorrow is July 1 and it is a significant day; Canada Day, her 146. It just feels a little more precious after I have seen images of the Alberta floods and, today, the fire at Wabush.
Meanwhile my June is provincial but okay. I did eat crow on a comment I made on the mayoralty of Montreal. And I did take a tiny plant from a stony driveway in New Brunswick and transplanted it, to a stony patch in Nova Scotia.
The Johnny Jump Up, without the flower, was accidentally plucked and I couldn't bear to throw it away. Brought it home in a wet paper towel.
Right now the rain has stopped, after 4 days, and a brightening greyness is developing. My big moment in June was the arrival of Eloise Rose and I heard her announce her presence. Happy Canada Day.

Monday, June 3, 2013


To my very toes, all cells delight as I stretch one life out of nine. The cat says of this June day.
I am not as expressive but agree with the sentiment as I stand in a petal shower from the 45 feet and over a century old apple tree. Who grows apple trees that tall now?